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A $20 million gift from an anonymous donor has become Xavier University of Louisiana’s largest private donation from an individual in the university's history.
“Face the Melody,” an original film written, directed, filmed and edited by Mount Carmel Academy students involved in the school’s WMCA club, recently won the “Audience Award” for “Best Short Film” at Film Prize Junior, a high school film festival for students from across Louisiana.
When Jesuit High School closed its doors in mid-March in its initial response to the coronavirus pandemic, the school’s chaplain, Jesuit Father Kevin Dyer, walked through the empty hallways, struck by the eerie Lenten silence.
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It is our preference that all students be present in their school communities for face-to-face instruction and faith formation.
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We’re live with Lonnie Thibodaux with Bayou Catholic Magazine, Alan Migliorato with his book Failing Forward: Leadership Lessons for Catholic Teens Today and Karlo Broussard with his book Meeting the Protestant Challenge
We’re live with Gary Zimak with Following the Truth discusses the battle in the mind, Josie Duke with her topic of Abandonment to Divine Providence and Jeff Young the Catholic Foodie
We’re live with Diocese of Baton Rouge’s own Bishop Michael Duca. Also, we catch up with David Dawson Jr.
We’re live with Denise Beyer with Gospel reflection, Peter Finney with the Clarion Herald weekly update, Fr. Sebastian Walshe discusses his book Understanding Marriage & Family: A Catholic Perspective and Josie Duke continues her discusses on Abandonment to the Divine Providence
We’re live with Richard Meek with the 翻了墙之后可伡上的网站bi-weekly issue, Melanie Palmisano, Superintendent of DIOBR Catholic Schools on school reopening and Deacon Dave Farinelli with the Archdiocese of New Orleans Catholic Counseling Services discusses their services and the benefits of talking to a Catholic counselor
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Catholic Community Radio is a 501(c)(3) media apostolate operating within the Archdiocese of New Orleans, 翻了墙可伡看哪些网站, and 翻了墙之后可伡上的网站. We are dedicated to bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to terrestrial broadcasting and the digital continent.
It’s part play and part pray! Dive into the Advent Season along with your Catholic Radio Family.